List of Shortcut Keys in MS Excel
Posted by: shivam
on -
17 Mar 2018
Shorcut Keys of MS Excel
CTRL + N - Create a New Workbook
CTRL + O - Open an existing workbook.
CTRL + PAGEDOWN - Move one screen down in a workbook
CTRL + PAGE UP - Move to the previous sheet in a workbook.
CTRL + ARROW KEY - Move One Cell up , right ,down ,left in a worksheet
CTRL + HOME - Move to the beginning of a worksheet.
CTRL + SPACEBAR - Select an entire column in a worksheet.
CTRL + A - Select an Entire Worksheet.
CTRL + ; - To Enter the Current Date.
CTRL + : - To Enter the Current Time.
CTRL + SHIFT + HOME - Extend the selection of cells to the beginning of the worksheet.
CTRL + SHIFT + END - Select all text in the formula bar from the cursor position end.
CTRL + SHIFT + $ - To Apply the Currency format with two decimal places.
CTRL + SHIFT + % - To Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places.
CTRL + 9 - To Hide the selected Rows.
CTRL + 0 - To Hide the Selected Columns.
CTRL + F11 - To Open New Worksheet.
CTRL + F - Display the "Find" dialog box.
SHIFT + CTRL + PAGEDOWN - Select the current cell in the next sheet.
SHIFT + CTRL + PAGEUP - Select the current cell in the Previous sheet.
SHIFT + SPACEBAR - Select an entire row in a worksheet.
SHIFT + ARROW KEY - Extend the selection of cells by one cell.
SHIFT + HOME - Select To Start Of Line
ALT + PAGEDOWN - Move one screen to the right in a worksheet.
ALT + PAGEUP - Move one screen to the left in a worksheet.
ALT + ENTER - In cell editing mode, enter a new line into a cell.
ALT + N - Go to Insert tab
ALT + P - Go to Page Layout tab
ALT + H - Open the Home tab and format text and numbers and use the Find tool.
ALT + F - Open the File page and use Backstage view.
ESC - Exit the floating shape navigation and return to the normal navigation.
SHIFT +F2 - Add or edit a cell comment.
F9 - Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks.
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