Now Send Money by Freecharge and get Flat Rs.30 Cashback
- Download Latest version FreeCharge app
- Open the app and select BHIM UPI
- Create your FreeCharge UPI ID
- Send money by entering Receiver's UPI ID/Bank Account
- Get cashback into your FreeCharge wallet
- Send money via FreeCharge UPI and get 100% cashback into FreeCharge Wallet
- No minimum transafer amount. Max cashback of Rs.30
- Offer is valid on 1st ever FreeCharge UPI transaction
- Offer is valid till 30th Mar'18
- Offer is valid once per user/Account
- Valid only on money transfers made using '@freecharge' UPI handle
- Offer is valid only on the latest version of the FreeCharge android App
Steps to Get the Deal
- Click Buy Button
- You will be Redirected to Freecharge from Drillthedeal
- Make payment
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