- Full HD (Resolution: 1920 x 1080), Refresh rate: 60 Hertz
- Connectivity ports: 2 HDMI, 2 USB
- Audio: 8 W x 2 output
- Standard Wall mount for this product to be provided at the time of installation by the service provider. The standard wall mount is non-chargeable.
- Special Features: True Colour Reproduction, Smart Volume Experience, Dynamic Picture Enhancement
- Warranty Information: 18 months (1.5 years) provided by the manufacturer from the date of purchase
- Amazon will raise an installation/wall mounting/demo request on your behalf within 24 hours of delivery. In case you do not get a confirmation call from brand within this time,please call TCL support on 1800-419-0622. The brand service center engineer will carry the wall mount at the time of installation to your location.
- Easy Returns: This product is eligible for full refund within 10 days of delivery in case of any product defects, damage or features not matching the description provided
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